Exam: 1st Semester of Science is started from 27/11/2015 More..

Exam: 1st Semester exam of 9th and 10th is started from 26th November 2015 in two session More..

1st Semester Exam: As a TMC GR dated 20.10.2015 1st language and maths paper for 1st to 8th std will be taken after diwali vacation another all subjects exam will be taken as a given time table More..

FYJC RESULt: Result of FYJC Students is distributed on 9th april 2016 from 10:00am to 11:00 am More..

9th Result: Result of 9th std (hindi & english Medium) is distributed on 20th april 2016 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. More..

1st semester exam 2016 time table: More..